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Athletics Mission

The mission of the Rosemount Middle School Athletic Program will be to develop, teach, and inspire our student athletes with sportsmanship, leadership, commitment, teamwork and integrity.

Athletics Philosophy

The vision in each sport will be to develop our student athletes into productive, contributing citizens of our community and society. The emphasis will focus on providing our students a series of experiences, which will promote wholesome and friendly participation, improved playing skills, good sportsmanship, new friends, and better community relationships. The Middle School athletics program will provide athletes with a positive foundation for their development within the program; creating allegiance between the middle school and high school and a positive feeling of school loyalty and pride.


District 196 Middle School athletic participation is available only to eligible 7th and 8th grade students, with the exception of Boys and Girls Cross Country and Boys Wrestling, where 6th graders are allowed to participate. All registration must be completed in EduTrak Connect Payment Center.  A sports physical must be on file to register for a sport.

Students must be in attendance a minimum of three periods on the day of an activity to be eligible to participate in that activity. Any student assigned ISS or OSS (in or out of school suspension) will not participate in their after school activity on that day. Students are expected to be passing current classes in order to participate in fine arts or co-curricular activities.

Drugs, tobacco and/or alcohol - Guidelines of the Minnesota State High School League will be followed.

2024-25 Middle School Athletics Information

District 196 middle schools offer five sport seasons throughout the school year. Sports are for 7th and 8th grade students, with the exception of cross-country and wrestling, which is also offered to 6th grade students. In general, sports practice is after school, Monday-Friday from 3:15 - 5 pm. Competitions may last past 5 pm, depending on the event. 

Transportation is provided to and from off-site events from Rosemount Middle School. There are also daily activity busses at 5 pm that are accessible for students after practice.

  • A current sports physical (current for 3 years from date of exam) must be on file with the school nurse in order to register.
  • Registration for sports is on EduTrak Connect Payment Center. Registration begins approximately a month prior to the season start.
  • Participation fee is $110 per season.
  • Each season is approximately six weeks.

Sports and Seasons

All sports are for grades 7th and 8th grade only, unless indicated.